Friday, November 21, 2008


The vastness of night, like a great ocean, surrounds you now

while your soul whispers the name of God

Holy One, You Who fosters all life,
I stand in the dim of the waning moon, at the darkest time of year.
I have journeyed far and wide and I am weary now.
I have struggled and claimed my traditions.
I have wrestled with forces greater than I.
The road has been long, the battles lengthy,
and I am worn.

Holy One, You Who illuminate my being,
aid me summon up courage and stubbornness, persistence and hope.
You Who restores all souls, hold me now, embrace me,
bathe me and cleanse me, wash away the impurities of my travel.
Help me emerge clear and fresh again, my inner courtyards shining again,
ready for the sacred ceremonies.

You Who kiss each life awake,
help me find my hidden vessel of sacred oil.
Fill my lamp, pour Your pure rich golden oil, the first press of olives
over me, that I might soften and heal.

Fill me. Fill my containers up.

O Holy One, You Who treasure all creation,
aid me re-consecrate myself, my body, my spirit, my soul.
You Who I am but a particle of, renew my life force,
kindle my flames.

And each night, one by one, increase my light.
That I might ever shine
and sing Your song in this darkest of nights.

Holy One, walk with me
and light my way.

As I light this candle, so too may You kindle my seven inner flames
and the eighth, that I may know wholeness.

I rededicate myself this night to that which You wish of me.
May I walk in the path of Your light.

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